Damn Family plays Saturday night at the Alleyway on Alberta and I highly encourage your attendance. The band features some of the most boisterous folk-pop-grass I have heard in a long while. Their sound provides an excellent bridge between the polarities of the frenetic folk (a la Trampled by Turtles) and the subdued strummers (like First Aid Kit) – a binary most folk acts seem compelled to adhere to these days. Damn Family’s varied collection of laid-back, loping tunes like “Banish” as well dust-ruckus romps like “Scratch” is sure to provide a dynamic show. Instrumental banjo, mando and guitar breaks weave throughout their latest record adding a welcomed layer of complexity to their seemingly traditional sounding tracks. The whole album was just recently put up to stream on their bandcamp page so give it a listen and check out their set on Saturday! – Ted Jamison