Da Comrade! are getting ready to say goodbye to one of their very own for some time as cellist Anne Ellis West embarks on a new adventure. But before she sets sail, the band is ready to throw a bon voyage party that’s for the rock ages! It will also be a celebration party since the band was recently able to successfully raise enough money to record their debut full length alongside Kyle Pulley of Simple Machine Recording who has also assisted the likes of Dr. Dog, Grandchildren and Algernon Cadwallader. It will also be a going away party for exploding drum masters Ugh God, who head out on a summer tour next week. They will be joined tonight at Kung Fu Necktie by Motorcycle Maus, who are still riding the coattails of their recent full length Chipping Teeth. Kung Fu Necktie, 1250 N. Front St., 8pm, $5, 21+ – Bill McThrill