To experience the next wave of Brooklyn music full blast and to grasp its weird complexities, one can’t do much better than Cultfever’s first single, “Knewyouwell.” The swelling of electronic chaos, motorik rhythm and shoegaze-y backing vocals wrap Tamara Jafar’s lusty soul leads in a kind of gothic disco whole that is greater than the sum of its many influences. Their self-titled debut album (released November 2011) sticks pretty close to this formula throughout; only towards the end do Cultfever break out of the club-like feel with the closers “Boys, Girls” and “Collector,” each boasting a more aspirational tone, replete with big choruses and fist-pumping declarations like “Hey darlin’, sticks and stones would make our homes if we were anyone, anyone else!” – See Cultfever at Mercury Lounge on Friday September 28 with Emanuel & the FEar, and at The Deli’s CMJ Electronic Stage at The Delancey on 10.18 with Dynasty Electric, Lushlife, Maus Haus, Anomie Belle, Railbird and a few more. – Brian Chidester