I think there’s a certain type of music fan that misses Weezer and The Violent Femmes and Postal Service. Maybe they dug “Teenage Dirtbag” pretty hard at some point, and they’re frustrated with what happened to the reputation of the acoustic guitar (whether it deserved it or not is another discussion). I could be wrong about their specific influences, but that’s what I hear with Crocodile, a young Austin band that’s at its best when they channel the rock-ier impulses of Weezer et al. with songs like “Somehow.” It’s not a new sound, but it’s done in a tight, dedicated way, and with so many bands with half-realized artistic pretensions out there, a group that just seems to want to write relatable, solid pop rock songs is kinda nice. Crocodile’s chosen sound isn’t one that I as a music fan typically look for, but it’s done with skill and earns its emotional ground. Crocodile is certainly authentic, above all, and that’s worth more than a little. — Trevor Talley @defenderdefends