Wowee! With full acknowledgement that not everyone watches internet polls in the wee hours of the evening, the neck-and-neck race between Sad Baxter and The Chewers was intense! The margin was so tight that there was a good chance that things were going have to be decided by a physical fight, which was sure to be a disaster, as The Chewers appear to be a band of giant faceless teeth. Ultimately, Sad Baxter pulled ahead, earning a slight advantage with their clean pop and appeal to Nashville’s dog lovers. This is a perfect moment to draw attention to the fact that Sad Baxter is currently recording their first full length album, which promises to be as earnest and catchy as their previous EP "Nothing is Real." The next opportunity to get sad with them is March 24th at Mercy Lounge. In the interim, listen to “Hit the Road!” and post something nice on their Facebook page. –Terra James-Jura