Twin Forks, the new project of emo indie heartthrob and lead singer/guitarist of Dashboard Confessional Chris Carraba, hits the North Star Bar for their Philly premiere tonight. But it will also be a big show for former Deli Philly Featured Artist(s) Poll Winners Commonwealth Choir, as it will technically be the release party for their debut EP Shirtless, which they just shared a couple days ago. And if you purchased a ticket in advance off their Bandcamp page, you’ve probably listened to the EPs vibrant tracks a number of times now as it was part of the group’s pre-sale package deal that they were running. However, even if you didn’t, tonight will be the perfect time to experience why the band has been gaining a nice amount of buzz in a short amount of time. North Star Bar, 2639 Poplar St., 7 PM, $13.50 – $16, All Ages – Bill McThrill