Tonight, Cinedelphia Festival puts a soundtrack to its experimental theater at PhilaMOCA. Inspired by the production of Brooklyn artist and film enthusiast John Fell Ryan, Cinedelphia plans to re-create his The Shining, Forwards and Backwards, Simultaneously Superimposed, a re-imagining of the classic Kubrick-Nicholson movie, based on a critical analysis of The Shining as being "a film organized with logic that flows both backwards and forwards." The evening will be scored by Philly faves, gothic post-punk trio Psychic Teens, who had also created their own instrumental soundtrack for the film Dementia, as part of last October’s WKDU-curated Tuesday Tune-Out. With some of my favorite things under one roof, this event falls under the "must attend" category! PhilaMOCA, 531 N. 12th St., 8pm, $10, All Ages – Alexis V.