The inaugural Cinedelphia Film Festival is holding its closing day festivities today. This afternoon, you’ll have the opportunity to view the 1982 New Wave classic Liquid Sky, which will be accompanied by a live score from 8-bit, prog rockers Cheap Dinosaurs. As an added bonus, the film’s reclusive producer/director Slava Tsukerman will be in attendance for a pre-screening introduction and post-screening Q&A. It is also the birthday celebration of Cinedelphia/PhilaMOCA’s Eric Bresler, who is truly a good dude, so swing on by and help him make it a memorable one (or even better, a day that he’ll need your help to piece together later on). Cheers to Eric and the Cinedelphia Film Fest for a job well done! PhilaMOCA, 531 N. 12th St., 4pm, All Ages – Q.D. Tran