Their website is eerily black with their band name Chastity scratched across the top. I thought my screen was actually scratched I had to look closer…It wasn’t …but by now I’m listening to “Lash Out” from their Soundcloud page. The same spooky senses came over me as the song began with creepy guitars and drawn out vocals, then enters a catchy chorus that kicks in and gives the track a cool dynamic. The solo and 3rd verse build up nicely to the final chorus; which yourself excited to hear one more time. Solid tune! “Manning Hill” is more of a straight ripper! 2 minutes of energy! 2 minute energy is way stronger than a 5 Hour Energy! So if you need a boost I’d suggest you listen to Chastity. See them Saturday @ Silver Dollar with other our friends The Effens.-Kris “Big City” Gies