CD Of The Month: Pretty Good Dance Moves

From a duo split between Chicago and Brooklyn comes an ep, PGDM, that is just divided but still quite enjoyable. The first aspect is their ability to recruit talented vocalist to sing over their beat driven sound-sculptures. Second, it is the inventive but danceable instrumentals they provide their vocalists. Featuring contributions from Angelica Lucer, Bjorn Yttling, Heather Christian, Sydny and Wayser, the ep offers depth in texture and sounds that was not as prevalent in the duos first ep. A track like “600 Days” finds the bands pushing into a slower, more mature area of sound, while “Leave Me Alone” is more radio-ready catchy pop. Yes, this is dance music, but it has more soul than most. It’s a mixture that will prove successful when Jimmy Giannapoulos and Aaron Allieta do attempt to venture out and record a full-length album.

Pretty Good Dance Moves will be playing a record release shows at Schubas on March 12th and 13th before they head down to SXSW.