Weekly Special #185b: Midnight Masses, live at Music Hall on 01.29

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Destiny and Autry from Midnight Masses met while living in Atlanta, where they started a band called Shock Cinema. Destiny and Autry knew Miyuki from when he toured with his old band The’ Rogers Sisters. They knew Danny and Jason from Trail Of Dead, and reconnected’ with them when Destiny and Autry moved to New York. Destiny met Eric through his’ roommate who was in Dragons of Zynth. They all met through bands or in bars. – Read Gina Alioto’s interview with the band here.


Weekly Special #185a: Indie Rock and Contemporary Art in NYC

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New York City’s most revered art collective centered around a man by the name of Andy Warhol. Set in a drug-infused laboratory — his 1960s dream studio The Factory — and culminating in the Exploding Plastic Inevitable multimedia events, Warhol and his ilk transformed the subcultural landscape in ways still difficult to comprehend. But if Warhol was the general of this amphetamine army, his front line soldiers were The Velvet Underground and Nico. – Read Joe Coscarelli’s article about Indie Rock and Contemporary art in NYC here. – In the picture, Titus Andronicus at the Whitney Museum (from brooklynvegan, photo by Leia Jospe)


We fall for rabbit ears again: sTickLiPs CD release on 01.22

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If dreamy Alt-Folk (as we call it) and rabbit ears are your cup of tea, you’ll have to go to Cameo Gallery in Williamsburg on January 22 to check out Sticklips, led by a smooth voiced young lady who goes under the pseudonym Little Girl Blue. The band’s sound blends acoustic, sometimes jazzy lullabies a la Suzanne Vega with dreamy atmospheric background noises. Exactly what we need after two stressfull days spent dealing with the chaos generated by our server giving up on us. If you go to the show, please DEMAND the rabbit ears, they are like part of the package at this point.


Boy Genius release new MP3, announce tour dates

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Boy Genius will release a new version of their single "Blame Love" (featured in the upcoming new album "Staggering") on January 26, 2010, via Greenpop Recordings – you can preview it here. Brooklyn Vegan said about their music: "Boy Genius are definitely within the indiepop realm but not too sugary, not too precious, relying on well-crafted melodies and gentle, mostly-acoustic instrumentation to carry the songs…Boy Genius deserve more attention than they’ve gotten, hopefully that will come soon." Boy Genius also announced dates for a Eest Coast tour mostly happening between the end of January and the Beginning of February. You can catch them live at Fort Useless in Brooklyn on 01.09.


Sorry for the interruptions…

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Deli Readers,

The Year End Polls are bringing in a lot of traffic and our server provider doesn’t like that – they suspended our account for a few hours because of eccessive load on their server’s CPU. We tweaked the site’s settings on our end and hopefully we won’t have this problem again.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!



The Best of NYC 2009 Readers’ Poll has begun!

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Democracy loving peoples,

The last phase of our exhausting Year End Best of NYC vote has begun – each one of you can now let us know what their favorite emerging NYC band of 2009 is. Don’t miss this opportunity to change the world! – Hey, maybe this year for the first time an African American artist will win our contest???

***Poll closes on January 15***

As you should all know by now, the winner of the Composite Chart (the one including votes from Jury, Deli Writers and Deli Readers) will get the cover of The Deli’s Spring issue + prizes from our sponsors including free studio and mastering time, audio plug ins, music store vouchers, musical instrument insurance etc.

The 2nd and 3rd artists will also be rewarded with a smaller picture on that issue’s cover + some prizes from our sponsors. All bands in the list on the right will get a writeup in that issue as well.

But what about the Readers’ Polls winners? There you go:


1. 12 hours of free recording studio
2. 6 free mastered songs
3. 4 Audio Plug Ins
4. $150 in vouchers for local Guitar Store
5. Full print feature on The Deli (winner only)
6. Artist of the Month Banner on The Deli’s website for 2 weeks (winner only)

Have fun!

The Deli’s Staff


Best of NYC 2009 Open Contest Results – Intro

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Happy 2010 musical Newyorkers!

Here at The Deli we start the new year with the much anticipated results of our Open Contest linked to our Year End Best of NYC 2009 Poll for emerging artists.

For the unaware, this Open Contest is the part of our Year End Poll which nominates artists through an open submission system – while the majority of the finalists are freely selected by a jury of NYC bloggers, promoters and scenemakers.

First of all I would like to say that it was truly difficult to choose the winners for this contest, and I can genuinely assure you that if we had an endless amount of time to devote to this we would have probably selected 50 to 100 bands instead of 15 or so. This is a testament to how amazing and strong the NYC music scene is right now.

The incredibly high number of submissions forced us to think about a system that would allow our jurors to listen to all the artists’ music properly and to allow all musical genres to be present at the end of the process. To serve this purpose we decided to break down this mass of submissions, and split the entries according to the following genres (which we’ll tackle in detail in the next few blog entries):

1. Alt Rock + Metal
2. Indie Rock + Electro Rock
3. Avant Indie + Noise Rock + Psych Rock
4. ndie Pop + Electronic + Other Genres
5. Rootsy Genres + Songwriters

It must be said that in this case the artists themselves assigned their music to each category during the submission process.

As of course all our NYC writers’ objectivity is flawed by their familiarity with some of the bands involved, to keep the voting as objective as possible we decided to put our out of town editors in charge of the judging. We assigned 3 of them to judge each category – their names are listed next to the results. And to keep things fair, we rewarded a similar amount of artists from each category, rather than going for the highest scores overall.

I personally removed myself from this voting process and it was tough to see some of my favorite local artists not make it to the final phase of our Year End Poll. Nonetheless, I still think that our in house jurors did a great job and that this list of emerging MYC artists is nothing short than phenomenal.

Keep an eye on our poll on the right, as it will soon be populated with all the bands nominated for our bigger Year End Poll.

Paolo De Gregorio


Open Contest Result: INDIE POP + ELECTRONIC + WORLD.: Catarina Dos Santos + The Paper Raincoat

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[Catarina Dos Santos]


Region: NYC + NJ + Long Island

Jurors: Deli Portland, New England and Philadelphia Editors

1. Catarina Dos Santos – 8.333
1. The Paper Raincoat – 8.333
3. Savoir Adore – 8.166
4. Miracles of Modern Science – 7.666

Pow Wow!, Brit & the Cavalry, A Big Yes and a small no, Twin Sister