St. Vincent plays Summer Stage on August 1st

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Admittedly, one of the capital sins The Deli has committed in terms of coverage of local artists, is having TOTALLY missed the raise to fame of St. Vincent. Well, the problem might have been that it is unclear (at least to us) when she actually moved to Brooklyn from her hometown of Tulsa, which might have made it tricky for us to consider her a "coverable" artist. Nonetheless, we did fail to interview her before she reached her stardom status. This incredibly talented lady who looks like the sexiest female nerd on earth, has released two of the best pop albums we have heard in the past decade. Great songwriting is matched by stellar production, which makes her (in our eyes) the Kate Bush of the New Millennium, only with a more consistent songwriting. St. Vincent will be playing Summer Stage in Midtown Manhattan on the afternoon of Sunday 08.01 – highly recommended.

St. Vincent "Jesus Saves, I Spend" from Marc Ritzema on Vimeo.


Best of NYC #12: Midnight Masses. play Knit on September 3

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We continue our "Best of NYC Countdown", covering every day one of the artists that made our Year End Best of NYC list (a chart compiled by a jury comprised of local bloggers, music writers, promoters, record store personnel, DJs, and our writers and readers).

Religion inspires musicians in a variety of ways. Some praise the lord (gospel); others worship the devil (death metal). Religion gifted Madonna her most memorable moment, and only last year Christopher Owens utilised his upbringing in the Children of God cult to inspire a Beach Boys-esque pop album with his band Girls. Midnight Masses are at completely the other end of the spectrum from Owens. Redemption, sin and death run through their music, reflecting leader Autry Fulbright’s upbringing as a preacher’s son. Religious imagery is rife. Their vocals often ring out which a church-like echo. No doubt the untimely death of Fulbright’s father acted as a catalyst for these meditations, but from that tragedy, something beautiful has grown. I spoke to Midnight Masses’ front man on these inspirations. – Dean Van Nguyen. Read a feature about Midnight Masses in The Deli’s last printed issue (pdf version here).


Rachael Sage’s NYC Video Release Party @ Best Buy Union Square

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NYC pop songstress Rachael Sage will present her new video for the song "Big Star" with a performance at Best Buy in NYC Square on July 30. The song was written years ago, but was never officially released. Then, when Sage’s friend Semi Precious Weapons‘ singer Justin Tranter became Lady Gaga’s  favorite glam-punk frontman, Sage found inspiration to give the song new life. The Deli is actually very familiar with Justin Tranter, who was featured on the cover of an issue of The Deli back in 2008. We wonder if the high heel long white boots Ms. Sage is wearing in some shots of the video are the same Tranter uses during his outregeously provocative live shows.
"Big Star" appears on her recently released album, "Delancey Street".


NYC Artists on the rise: Rope play Union Pool

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Rope‘s guitars in the song "I Can’t Pretend to Understand" sound like a combination of Husker Du’s pervasive bright fuzz and Pavement’s out of control (but within reason) crookedness, with the occasional hypnotic intricate solo a la The Feelies. There, that’s 3 of my favorite bands ever in opne sentence… Their music has an urgency and a tension that will please true indie rockers, also because of the vocals, that are reminiscent of a young Tom Verlaine – ok, I know, too many awesome references here, but listen to these guys and tell me it’s not true… The band has been around for quite some time (their Myspace page was created 5 years ago) but for some reason they just caught our ears (some indie bands don’t like to promote themselves, you know? It’s kinda unkewl…) They have a 7" out and will have a full length ready in the fall. Rope is playing a show on July 29 at Union Pool, it promises to be a lot of fun.


Weekly Feature #212b: Bear in Heaven

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So what if the four members of Bear in Heaven are from the South? Save for a few rappers, jazzmen and big-gutted dudes flashing Strats in Bay Ridge bar bands, how many Brooklyn musicians are actually from Brooklyn? And yet the Southern issue keeps coming up. Writers—this one included—ask about it in interviews, and reviewers, in tracing the band’s history, often mention that singer and guitarist Jon Philpot, guitarist Adam Wills and bassist Sadak Bazarra knew one another back in their native Georgia, before moving to Brooklyn in the early ‘00s. Drummer Joe Stickney, a college friend of Wills’, hails from Alabama. – Read Ken Partridge full feature on the band here.


Best of NYC #13 + Weekly Feature #212a: The Woes

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Formed in 2002, The Woes have been delivering their brand of dust-belt folk music to an every-growing NYC audience. At times the group can resemble a chaotic collective, but the discerning fan can pick out the regulars, including Jesse Lauter, Cicero Jones and lead singer/songwriter Osei Essed. In Essed, the Woes have the catalyst for what few bands can boast: genuine, visceral attitude. His voice delivers the deep sound of Tom Waits with the spiritual, gothic Americana sound of David Eugene Edwards. Their new CD is entitled “Heaven Knows” and they are currently touring behind it. Essed took the time to answer questions from the road. – Read Ben Krieger’s interview with the band here.


A rather intense video from Norden Bombsight

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There isn’t a lot of info about Norden Bombsight on the internet, but you don’t need to read their bio to realize that these guys aren’t afraid to fill their music with heavy emotions – something most bands seem to shy away from these days. To testify that, this music video, set during the Great Depression, tells the story of a woman suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder who is searching for her missing husband. The band’s music sounds as troubled as this hint of a story, and the filmmaking here is way above the average for an indie video – it’s more like watching a movie! Kudos to director Roy Eventov.


Raccoon Fighter: New EPs and Show at Union Pool July 28

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Brooklyn’s nocturnal bluesy-rock trio, Raccoon Fighter, comprised of Sean Gavigan (vocals/ guitar/drums), Zac Ciancaglini (drums/guitar/vocals), and Gabe Wilhelm (bass/vocals), throw down a series of biting tracks on two releases, “Liars Feet EP” and “Terrible EP.” A dozen tunes in all, and available for free here, both EPs feature a combination of gritty, aggressive, and psychedelic soundscapes. Gavigan’s angsty vocal quality compliments the sultry rock foundation created by strong downbeats, shuffling percussion, lax guitar strums, and anxious, bluesy progressions found on notable tunes, “No Lover,” “The Upbeat,” “Rollin’ Wheel,” and “Pillow Surf.” Catch Raccoon Fighter on Wednesday, July 28 at Union Pool. Free show. – Meijin Bruttomesso


Best of NYC #14: The Dig plays two dates with Dashboard Confessional

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We continue our "Best of NYC Countdown", covering every day one of the artists that made our Year End Best of NYC list (a chart compiled by a jury comprised of local bloggers, music writers, promoters, record store personnel, DJs, and our writers and readers).

When you order a drink at the bar, you want something heavy. You want good taste mixed well, and just a tiny dash of sweet. Like a Long Island Iced Tea, The Dig’s music carries a heavy bass line, drowned in equal parts melodic and heavy guitar. The soothing sounds of “Penitentiary” go down smooth, but the potency of the almost sinister sounding guitars in “She’s Gonna Kill That Boy” keep the blood flowing through your veins. Think of alternative pop/rock ballads from the early ‘90s but with a little more variety. David Baldwin and Emile Musseri alternate vocals that sound like a more sensitive Chris Cornell, and a day-dreamy Thom Yorke. At times, The Dig give off a Nirvana-esque vibe, while also channeling the power packed production sound of Coldplay. Each song is eclectic and intricate in its own way, allowing The Dig to put forth a diverse portfolio of songs. The band has just announced two new tour dates in support of Dashboard Confessional – after which they will be traveling home following a five-week national tour with Thrice, Kevin Devine, and Bad Veins,- Melissa Wong


NYC Dandies play countrying music: My Cousin, The Emperor

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My Cousin, The Emperor is like a country version of Pavement. They have nuances of a lo-fi 90s band, mixed with a country acoustic twang. And the fact that the band dresses like total dandies is mesmerizing.  The pluck of a banjo is always best when done by Steve Martin or someone wearing a newsboy cap and a waistcoat. This good old country quartet has created a debut album that is a modern Dixieland treasure. My Cousin, The Emperor is to country what Back to the Future III is to cowboy movies, for their mixture of country with other genres makes country more accessible to those who hate it. My Cousin, The Emperor definitely has the power to convert the skeptics. – CS


NYC Artists on the Rise: Elephant Parade

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Elephant Parade is kinda cutesy, kinda sappy, kinda heavy in the pseudo-folk guitar strumming. But Estelle’s vocals really are the major touchstone: something syrupy, pliable, wrapping around those little accents of keys or horns, the tricky little drumbeats. We’re a little slow on the uptake, here – they’ve been putting out music for the better part of five years. The duo makes for an easy listen – sort of like The Blow not on blow – with flighty, sometimes light-hearted lyrics that resonate once in a while. The kind of limitless DIY that takes you to a meadow and an open sky, and now and then there’s an awesome animal traipsing about. – DWE