¿Dónde está Muy Cansado? They’ve been recording a new EP for fall release. In the meantime, they will be playing a very special show with Sun Lee Sunbeam at the Rosebud Diner in Davis Square on June 11th titled The Summer Love Show. If the warm weather has got you reminiscing about 7-minutes in heaven in your friend’s parents’ furnished retro-style ranch basement, bonfires at the beach and getting drunk in the woods behind the Athletic Association, hop on over to the Rosebud Diner on June 11th. Chris Mulvey of Muy Cansado was kind enough to answer some unanswered questions for the Deli:
Deli: ¿Porque es su nombre "Muy Cansado"?
Chirs Mulvey: “Why is our name Muy Cansado?” Muy Cansado translates to “Very Tired.” We actually did not have the translation in mind when we initially picked the name. We were debating a name and couldn’t agree on anything. There was strange artwork on the wall of the rehearsal space we were in at the time from the band that had used the space before us. We kept laughing at a picture where one stick figure was shooting another stick figure that was swinging a golf club. One figure posed the question, “Cansado?” while the other answered, “Muy Cansado!” We liked the picture and took the name.
Now I enjoy that our name means "Very Tired." Life can be exhausting.
Deli: I hear you you guys have been off the radar because you’ve been recording and mixing the past few months in preparation for a new EP to be released in the fall. What’s new with the band?
CM: Yes we have been off the radar recording and mixing. We just finished up in Q Division with Jon Lupfer recording and mixing four songs. Three of the four have been staples of our live set for a while – Not About A Girl, Love & Fear and Sharpshooter. By the time this interview airs we will have recorded a fifth song, Acquaintances, with Matt Girard of The Motion Sick and Future Everybodies. (We are recording with Matt tomorrow). The five songs will be out on a yet-to-be-titled EP in the fall. We’re shooting for early fall. That’s taken up a lot of our time.
When we haven’t been in the studio, we’ve been working on a lot of new material. We’re hoping to hit the studio again by year’s end to record for a release next year. Personally, I’m hoping it’s a full length, but it’s too early to speculate. The new recordings and songs have really energized us. We’re excited to share.
Deli: Muy Cansado will be playing The Summer Love Show at the Rosebud diner June 11th. What exactly happens at a Summer Love show? Will there be Grease covers? Will Muy Cansado be playing any new songs?
CM: I can say that we will definitely be playing brand new songs at our next show. As for how many, I’m not sure – at least one, possibly quite a few. We’ve played brand new songs at each show this year. If you haven’t caught us yet in 2010, then you’ll hear a lot of brand new stuff. Most of what we’ll play at the Rosebud will not be off of Stars & Garters (our debut album), although we’ll likely throw a few S&G tracks in there as well.
As for The Summer Love Show – it’s a celebration of summer love. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your take) we will not be playing any Grease Covers. However, we will be advocating spin the bottle, truth or dare and anything else that could lead to a little summer heat. I’m hoping at least one random couple of strangers makes out at the bar. If that happens, then The Summer Love Show will have done it’s job.
Rosebud Bar & Grill
–The Deli Staff