New England

Listen-Up: Get Sh**-faced with Horse-Eyed Men

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 “SFIS(A)” by Horse-Eyed Men sounds like some kind of strange country version of a Jimmy Buffet song if it were recorded in outer space–and I intend for that to be as much of a compliment as the band (and any readers) will allow. The first time I heard the song, I thought these guys were a weird bunch, but after listening to the track a few times, it has definitely grown on me. They did a great job with production on this track–the reverb on the guitars, airy backing-vocals–they certainly captured the “sh**-faced in space” idea that the chorus professes. I also liked their decision to record in a large theatre–I think that really helped give a big, open sound to the song.


For more information about Horse-Eyed Men, check out their Facebook page.

-Dan McMahon (@dmcmhn)



New England

California X: Nights in the Dark

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Usually when I hear the words “Western Massachusetts”, I think of an imaginary land populated by a few hippies and raging-drunk college students. After hearing California X’s new record, Nights in the Dark, I’ll be holding Western MA in much higher regard from now on. Super-tight riffs, crunchy guitars–these guys pull off a great metal/punk sound that’s versatile enough to appeal to punks, metal-heads and laid-back rockers alike. My favorite track is "Hadley, MA," with is slow, churning riffs and Pavement-esque feel. This song captures the band’s grit, but with added hints of lo-fi pop-punk that I find really appealing.

For more info on California X (and to see a list of their upcoming 2015 tour dates), check out their Facebook page.

-Dan McMahon (@dmcmhn)


New England

Midriffs’ new surf punk record Subtle Luxuries

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Here’s another October 2014 release that we just dug up. A refreshingly energetic band, Midriffs’ debut album Subtle Luxuries is a punk record that calls back to the nostalgia we have for the lighter Buzzcocks era of punk, with some surf and fuzz guitar tones added for good measure. There’s definitely some Agent Orange and Night Birds flavor in their sound, as any good surf punk band needs. The opening track “Taboo Tattoo” is a retro-sounding punk song, absolutely infectious and raucous. The guitar work is extremely clean and precise for a punk record, emphasizing those energetic surf riffs. Listen for the crazy guitar work on “Sunday Morning Cigarretes and Orange Juice,” my personal favorite track. Definitely keep this record in mind for Summer 2015, or take just it to the slopes! God knows we got the snow for it. Listen or download the album here

They’re playing Club Bohemia (or the Basement of the Cantab Lounge) in Cambridge, this Friday 2/6/15. Here’s the event page for more info.


– Paul Jordan Talbot

New England

Mincemeet or Tenspeed’s new EP “Waiting on Surfing Bird”

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Providence producer David Harms has emerged from the local scene with some fuzzy, disjointed, and over all freaky dance music on his new release “Waiting for Surfin Bird.” Along with occasional touring partner and label mate Unicorn Hard-On, the scene is putting out some great Experiemental dance music that rejected tired build-up-drop-breaktown formula of mainstream EDM. Instead, Mincemeat or Tenspeed relies on ear-tearing rhythmic noise, and minimalistic trancelike repetition slowly evolving throughout the track. Mosh-worthy and spaced out at the same time, Something for the whole freaky family! Brooklyn-based Decoherence Records released “Waiting for Surfin Bird” in October of last year, which was an obscenely good month for New England bands. Some of the tracks can be heard here.

-Paul Jordan Talbot



New England

Grundlefunk Wins The Deli Readers’ Best of 2014 Poll

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Cramming an 8 piece band on stage can be a challenge at times, but it’s fitting for Grundlefunk’s wild party-like-it’s-1975 sound. Radically syncopated hornlines pull us from phrase to phrase and with Marshal Dominguez’s deep pocket drumming, these guys have no issue getting a crowd to move around. With an effortlessly strong alto voice, Nicole D’Elisa provides an engaging front to group while still showing off her rhythmic proficiency and funky sensitivity. For those into improvised music, Grundlefunk’s solos are always loaded with spicy ideas bouncing from player to player. These guys (and a gal) fly around their instruments, with no sign of tiring soon. They’ll be playing tomorrow night at Radio Bean in their hometown Burlington, VT. Check out their tour schedule here.


New England

Immigrants Play the Lily Pad

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 In a city more known for its Noise and Punk, it makes sense that hip-hop of such an elevated and noise-centric tone coagulates from the potion of the local scene. Immigrants utilize absurdist lyrics, free-associated and abstract, with production that’s way passed left-of-center. Producer Mr. Id weaves layers of freaky samples over groovy beats, that must stretch MC Theory Engine to his limits. That’s the only way I can explain Theory’s insanity.  He loads his lyrics with scientific jargon, summoning his inner Dr. Octogon, but his flow is a lazy Doom-esque lilt. I recommend checking out the whole record, but “Ding!” was onef of my personal favorites, with a beat that’s too damn slow in the best way, and lyrics from the mind of mad scientist. Their energy seemed to be bursting out of that little venue, so I can’t wait to see them upgrade and tear up a bigger spot.

Check out their Ablum “Black Dada” here


-Paul Jordan Talbot

New England

Troy Ramey: When The Lights Came

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On December 23, 2014, Troy Ramey’s first solo EP, When the Lights Came, was released, capping-off a long road of writing, recording and crowd-funding for the Vermont native. Currently residing in New York City, Troy’s first foray into solo music proves to be quite a success. His grasp of crafting a catchy pop song is incredible for such a relatively unknown artist. From start to finish, it’s clear that these songs were meticulously thought-out, and perfectly executed. His voice is so strong and powerful that it immediately grabs your ears and demands your attention. My two favorite tracks are the title track and “Rosary”, the single that was exclusively released via The Deli New England a few months ago. Both demonstrate such immense vocal performances that it’s hard not to be drawn into the music.


For more info about Troy, check out his Facebook page. To purchase a copy of When the Lights Came, click here.

-Dan McMahon (@dmcmhn)
 Artwork by: Caseymae Ramey


New England

FREE SHOW Alert: The Offseason in Harvard Square 1/30

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Fellow Boston-area blogger Bishop & Rook has been busy the past few months, starting a local media collaboration called Boston Scene Party, and partnering with Sound Lion in Harvard Square to host a series of monthly acoustic concerts. In fact, one of these performances is scheduled to take place on January 30th–how ‘bout that for a convenient coincidence?


Along with a live performance by The Offseason, the sketch artist Louis Roe from Squishy Sandwich Art will be drawing at the show. Still not impressed? There will be free beer (compliments of Bishop & Rook) and The Offseason will have a supply of limited-edition, totally awesome, colored vinyl for sale. Sounds like one heck of a way to say “peace-out” to January.

You can RSVP to this free event here. Music starts at 8PM. All ages.

For more info on The Offseason, check out their Facebook page.

-Dan McMahon (@dmcmhn)

New England

Show Alert: Dominic Florio, Amy and The Engine, K.O. at The Middle East Upstairs on 1/21

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Looking for something to help you get over hump day? Well, local promoter Boston Music Scene has you covered. This Wednesday, January 21, head to The Middle East Upstairs for a night full of upbeat pop tunes brought to you by Dominic Florio, Amy & The Engine and K.O.  Both Florio and K.O. have a knack for big, catchy hooks, while Amy and The Engine provide a lighter touch, à la Noah and the Whale. With so much talent crammed into one evening, you’ll have a hard time not getting some songs stuck in your head for work on Thursday morning.


Doors at 8PM, $8. 18+, proper ID required.

For further updates about the show, click here.

-Dan McMahon (@dmcmhn)

New England

Cheap Seats is the Best Variety Show in Boston, Maybe Anywhere

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Years ago, I realized concerts had gotten boring. Why not start a vaudevillian variety show with headliners like Weezer and openers like a dancing horse? In late 2012, Erich Haygun did just that (minus the animal acts) and I’ve gone to many Cheap Seats since.

The show is completely inclusive, with acts ranging from Guerilla Toss to superhuman dancers to teenage poets to the indescribably hilarious Ben Hersey, and it’s always pay-what-you-want. And, somehow, even the average act at Cheap Seats beats most things you’d see at The Sinclair.

Cheap Seats happens January 16th at the YMCA in Central Square.

New England

The Polarizing Poetry of Puppy Problems

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To appreciate the brilliance of Beat Happening’s "The Fall" or "In My Memory," one must look past their trademark lo-fi production, off-key singing, and simple song structures. Puppy Problems will probably elicit the same confused judgments BH did at first, and that’s a real shame, because Sami Martasian’s lyrics often hit the listener in the gut halfway through a seemingly simple story about getting lost or celebrating Christmas.

Puppy Problems plays Tuesday at Midway Cafe with Sports Coach, Nathan Ventura, and ACLU Benefit.

New England

Sports Coach releases 2nd EP, plays Tuesday in Boston

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Just a few weeks after releasing his debut, Hit The Showers, Sports Coach is back with another EP, Grab Your Balls and Get On The Court. This time around the NFL sound bites are sent to the bench but coach’s lo-fi charm remains the same and even a little hazier.  Several tracks suggest a poor performance on the field or court, but Sports Coach always tries to make it sound positive, as a good coach would. Coach sums it up quite well: “Poetry is dumb, no muscles needed."

-Hayden Karnitz, @hkarnutz

Sports Coach performs Tuesday at Midway Cafe in Jamaica Plain, MA, with The Deli’s artist of the month, Nathan Ventura.