About two years ago, Peter Walker of Eulogies experienced a tragedy that most of us will hopefully never have to endure…his best friend’s 4 year old son was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. "Tear The Fences Down" is an album all about the pain, suffering, and eventually acceptance of a special young boy being taken away too soon, but living on forever through the hearts of his loved ones. "After what happened in July of 2009 my emotions–my heart–my life–were all blown to smithereens. It took months to untangle my insides to the point that I could sit down with a pencil and a guitar and confront what I had been through, but when I did I began to see the light again after more than a year of deep-rooted torment. These songs became my lifeline. this is a diary of the trauma of war, and ultimately a way out of those horrific depths", said Walker.
What sets "Tear The Fences Down" apart from most albums telling a painful story, is the fact that it still manages to have a positive feel overall. Perhaps that was the point…the light at the end of a tunnel, and the fact that we all must find a way to deal with the things that life heaves our way, as unprepared as we might be. As Charles Swindoll once said, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it”. The songs are full of deep, whole-hearted lyrics and soothing melodies. "Intimate Debris" is a song about love, friendship, and staying by each other’s side…with cascading guitars and lightly crashing cymbals. The song "Separate Heart" is about separating the mind from emotions and feelings, with heavy drum beats and the words, "I want to surrender, but I don’t know how". "Little Bombs" is perhaps the darkest track, with transitional instruments reminiscant of Bright Eyes’ album "Digital Ash In A Digital Urn". The record ends with "Little Else To Say", a reflective tune, positive and light with a chiming, summery vibe. The album is great because you can connect with it on a deep level at the same time as letting the music take you away.
Freshly released off of Dangerbird Records today, "Tear The Fences Down" is available digitally and on good old-fashioned vinyl.
–Jenna Putnam