We’re happy to announce that Blane Fonda has been selected for couple showcases in Austin during SXSW: on Friday March 19, we’ll be playing as part of JBTV’s SXChicago Showcase at The Trophy Room, and on Saturday March 20 at 9pm we’ll be playing at Cuba Libre for a RedGorilla showcase; we hope that any Chicago friends that are planning on being down there will come say “Hey!” or something to that effect.
Before we leave for Austin, we are excited for a few events around here: Tonight (3/9), we are sharing the stage at Schubas with two bands we like a lot called Via Audio and Pattern is Movement. Also, illustrations from Blane’s own Mark Wetzel will be on exhibit during a one night event, titled twentysomethings: revelations in asymmetry. The gallery (Gallery 3) will be held Friday March 12 from 6pm – 10pm at 1542 N Milwaukee, 3rd Floor. and it is free. – Charlie Nadler