
Joe Pug Preorder and New Track

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Messenger, the debut full-length from Joe Pug, will be released on February 16th. In preparation Joe just released another track from the album called “The Sharpest Crown”. The track is a somber love story about the struggles we all face. Joe also announced that his debut ep, Nation of Heat, will be re-released on 10" colored vinyl later this month. You can preorder Messenger here and you can catch Joe at Lincoln Hall on Feb. 27th.


Introducing Young Man

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Young Man is fantastic project by 20-year-old Chicago based songwriter, Colin Caulfield. With a sound reminiscent to Panda Bear or Deerhunter, Colin seems to keep things simple, yet with the addition of some exceptional layers, giving him some major promise for 2010. A debut "concept" album, Boy, is planned for a spring/summer release. Here’s a lovely demo called, "Just A Growin’," however head on over to his YouTube page to watch some great clips/covers and to grab some mp3s. – Brendan Losch


Midstates and the Choir of Ghosts have Death Cab’s Number

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The first thing you notice when turning on this EP is the snowy guitar and relaxing drum flow. You can already picture yourself cruising down a sunlit highway going to who knows where. After the intense daydream phase, you notice something peculiar for an indie rock band, the melody and chords actually go to predictable places. Something noticeable with indie bands that actually have big plans.

Once the singers voice kicks in you can only think of the soothing vocal melodies made popular by the one and only Benjamin Gibbart of Death Cab fame. The band manages this without being a total and complete rip off or copy. Even lyrically it is very similar. Singing about concepts of dieing and the fear attached to it.

This band will get you up and dancing all the way through the album. The track "Don’t stop it" sounds like it’s coming from a Passion Pit jam session. This continues to show that this band knows exactly how to make hook laden, fun hits, while still maintaining enough indie "cred" to keep the hipsters and jaded youth happy.

The only thing that is bad about this album is that it is barely a real "EP". Every track is either a remix or some sort of extended jam track. If you really liked the intro track "Hate To see you smile" then you will have fun listening to the very remixes. But if your looking for more original tracks you’ll be very disappointed.

Despite this small complaint, the EP is very fun and catchy. With their danceable hooks and snowy melodies this band is definitely one to watch in the coming years. They will just have to release more originals to keep people interested.

Midstates and The Choir of Ghosts are playing a free show tonight at The Empty Bottle with Camera and House of Normandie. The show starts at 9:30pm. – Nick Coamey


CD Of The Month: Pretty Good Dance Moves

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From a duo split between Chicago and Brooklyn comes an ep, PGDM, that is just divided but still quite enjoyable. The first aspect is their ability to recruit talented vocalist to sing over their beat driven sound-sculptures. Second, it is the inventive but danceable instrumentals they provide their vocalists. Featuring contributions from Angelica Lucer, Bjorn Yttling, Heather Christian, Sydny and Wayser, the ep offers depth in texture and sounds that was not as prevalent in the duos first ep. A track like “600 Days” finds the bands pushing into a slower, more mature area of sound, while “Leave Me Alone” is more radio-ready catchy pop. Yes, this is dance music, but it has more soul than most. It’s a mixture that will prove successful when Jimmy Giannapoulos and Aaron Allieta do attempt to venture out and record a full-length album.

Pretty Good Dance Moves will be playing a record release shows at Schubas on March 12th and 13th before they head down to SXSW. 


Goodness Gracious

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Chris Otepka (formerly of Troubled Hubble) may have recently moved to Washington, but he is still a Chicagoan at heart. In fact, most his new album, Goodness Gracious (Greyday Records), was recorded here last March just before Chris left. Chris spent his last Chicago winter around a wood stove with friends Michael Mergenthaler, David James, Steven Mitchell and Nick Lombardo, who played in local band Ulysses S. Grant. The result is a chilling collection of songs that are a full-band composite of many songs written and performed solo by Chris during the past two years of touring. Releasing at least one record per year since the first The Heligoats release in 1999, this album is not just another entry in the catalog. Opteka and the band have really crafted something unique and extremely enjoyable here.

Goodness Gracious was released today by Greyday Records, and The Heligoats will be playing at Schubas on March 2nd.


Boca Negra

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Last week the Chicago Underground Duo released their fifth album Boca Negra and completely blew me away. Like many of you I went through a jazz and swing period in my listening history, I dug through the old crates and even found some modern classics, but I thought those days were behind me. However, Rob Mazurek and Chad Taylor have brought me back in time. The album, their first not recorded in Chicago, was recorded in Sao Paulo, Brazil at Rocha Studios. It has some Brazilian elements, but at its core is pure jazz. Well, more than jazz it is the art of creating jazz that makes this album so special, and after twelve years still a vibrant contribution to their catalog.

Chicago Underground Duo will be performing at Chicago Cultural Center on Feb. 3rd and at The Hideout on Feb. 20th.


Introducing Gia Margaret

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Gia Margaret is a musician to watch this year. She is mobilizing a handful of demos and currently recording some new tracks for her debut release. It promises to be absolutely breathtaking.

Gia will be performing at Schubas on February 8th.


Every Drop Chicago

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It tragic times sometimes the most positive and reassuring things can takes place. Such is the case with the new formed grassroots organization Every Drop Counts Chicago. This group of young artists and activists have come together in response to the devastation in Haiti. Their goal is simple and focused, to raise funds in order to send filtration equipment that will provide sustainable, clean bathing and drinking water. Hence, the name Every Drop Counts. They began by establishing a Hip-Hop and soul benefit concert scheduled to take place in Chicago on Sunday, January 31, 2010. The goal is to raise awareness, funds, and to enjoy all that Chicago hip hop has to offer.

Hosted by, Aja Monet, Every Drop Counts Benefit Concert, will include performances by: Fred Hampton Jr., M1 [of Dead Prez], Jean Grae, Mystic, Rhyme Fest, The Cool Kids, BBU, FM Supreme, Mic Terror, Mikkey Halsted, He Say She Say, Kids These Days, Haki Madhubuti, DJ Sean Mac, DJ Izzo, and appearances by countless surprise guests. The event takes place at Reggie’s Rock Club and I encourage everyone to attend and give generously.


Interview: Scotia Widows

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Back in the day, which I guess wasn’t that long ago, I was obsessed with punk music. Something about the power chords and snarling into a microphone really caught my attention in high school and although my taste have changed, the love is still there. NoVo Arts is supporting music of all sorts with their Girls in the Garage showcase at Lincoln Hall and hasn’t forgotten the ladies of punk. Scotia Widows has the beautiful but deadly Gina Knapik rocking the mike at the show, representing all that is feminine about the genre. We recently chatted with Knapik about the upcoming show and her thoughts on music.

The Deli: There’s a pretty diverse group of girl bands playing this show, from pop to punk. How do you feel Scotia Widows fits into the show?
Gina Knapik: Well, I feel that is pretty obvious. It’s a showcase featuring women musicians and I have boobs. Also, I’m friends with a bunch of the gals playing so playing the show together is an excuse to hang out. Although all of our music is different, I appreciate what everyone is doing.

Deli: How did you hear about the Girls out of the Garage show and get involved?
GK: I’ve known August for many years through the different bands I’ve played in. He contacted me to ask if my other band, Venom Lords, could play. We are on a long break and I suggested Scotia Widows because that is the band I have been playing with the most these days. And as I said before, I’m friends with a bunch of the ladies on the bill and I’m excited to play with them!

Deli: As a huge punk fan (especially of the the Adverts) I have to ask, how does it feel being a woman in a genre that is considered very masculine?
GK: Hmm, I don’t really think of punk as masculine. I am no authority on the genre. I mean, it’s not a boys club. I joke about holding the guys coats, but sometimes I make Kirk hold my purse too. I have a picture to prove it. Ok, I tricked him and it only happened once.

Deli: You recently released your demo and it’s been getting a lot of good feedback from locals. What was the inspiration behind your style, form, and content on the demo as well as the decision behind making it free to download?
GK: Boredom, reality television, mangled birds, rumspringa, the History Channel and beers inspired us. As for our demo, our drummer David recorded us in his basement. I think it cost us however much the pizza cost that night. I hope we didn’t make him chip in. Anyway, it hardly cost us anything to record and we would like as many people as possible to hear it. We’re not in this to make money. So spread it around!!! We’d love to record again and take our time and have some small label put it out for us. We did that demo quick.

Deli: Sometimes I hear from girls who are in bands that it’s hard to get along with a bunch of guys, especially if you’re fronting the band. Have you ever had problems with that in Scotia Widows or any of your other bands?
GK: No way. All the guys I have been in bands with have been my friends…and…not jerks. If I was in a band with a bunch of guys that I didn’t get along with…I would not be in that band. That goes for girls too. And actually…I used to think it was harder to be in bands with girls because of boyfriends and all that drama, but then I realized all that jazz is not gender specific.

Scotia Widows’ latest demo is available to download here. The Girls in the Garage show is Thursday, January 28th at Lincoln Hall and also features the Wanton Looks, Leslie Hunt, and the Maybenauts rocking the mike in support of femininity. The show stars at 8 pm and tickets costs $10. – Amy Dittmeier