
The Saps New Album Is A Lightening Fast Pop Punk Rocker!

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The Saps have had a storied history in the Chicago music scene. They have released several EPs, which never got them any critical attention from major labels. Maybe it was the nasty abrasiveness from there old school sound being in a contemporary scene. Maybe it was the lyrics "I got so drunk last night/I wanted to piss in your eye".

Either way there music never got the full attention that front man Daniel Lastick may have wanted. But rather than pull an "88 Fingers Larry" move and go on to bigger skyline success *cough* Rise Against *cough*, he instead chose to give a big middle finger to the record labels and keep making the music he wanted to make.

This attitude is portrayed perfectly on two of the major tracks on the EP. "Ricky": A song about working tirelessly in the studio only to be rejected by every label. Many young bands can identify with this one. Other hard-hitting tracks on the album are "Radio": a song about doing almost nothing with your life while still being a success in music, a perfect anthem for any schoolyard boy who has big dreams (tweed uniform not included). "Piece Of Glass": Was written entirely for the fans and was only released on their approval. It shows a mellow side to them with almost beach boy harmonies, it’s a bit surprising.

All in all The Saps latest attempt is definitely for the fans, but it does seem that they are trying to get a little poppy for another possible chance at record label attention. Either way, good luck guys! – Nick Coamey


Live Review: I Fight Dragons @ the Metro

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Music nerds and gamers alike flocked to the Metro Saturday night, to watch fellow music nerds and gamers, I Fight Dragons. I was initially reeled in by the local sextet when I heard their holiday tune on XRT: a steady Nintendo track behind them, IFD wished listeners a merry Christmas, superhero-style. My curiosity led me to Metro, where there was no mistaking who was in the NES-inspired band: each member was sporting a superhero t-shirt; Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Captain America, The Flash, and the Green Lantern each live on in the IFD lineup.

The band was joined on stage by TVs, each playing old-school video games. Cool. Even cooler were the band members (somehow, someway) playing Nintendo controllers along with the songs. As far as the band’s incorporation of NES tones and samples, I basically heard what I was expecting to; however, not being as familiar with their sound otherwise, I learned IFD is a solid, energetic power-pop band, through-and-through. They hardily delivered song after song, playing up to the crowd, and genuinely enjoying their stage-show, gimmicky it may be.

Their crowd–equally peppy–was thrilled when the band broke into "I Fight Ganon" (The Zelda Theme)"; waves of childhood nostalgia encompassed the crowd, and for a moment, it was 1986 again. They continued with tracks including "Money," and "No One Likes Superman Anymore" (both from their Cool Is Just a Number EP, released earlier this year), and they surprised me with a welcome cover of the Beatles’ "And Your Bird Can Sing."

Ultimately, I found IFD’s nerd-rock press to be a double-edged sword of sorts; their gamer-meets-pop-rock draw was what initially caught my eye, but after 4 or 5 songs, the shtick lost some of its appeal. Stripped of its gamer disposition, I Fight Dragons remains a solid power-pop group. They are still a relatively new band, surely continuing to finesse their identity and overall sound. For those interested in music sans camp, you might want to sit this one out, as it’d be overkill; but for those interested in combining their love for pop music and video games, congratulations, you’ve met your match. – Neph Basedow


Concert Review: Loyal Divide at The Empty Bottle 12/10/2009

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There is something in the air when it comes to Chicago band, Loyal Divide, as is evidenced by the near sub-zero temperatures that haunt their gigs. Thursday night was the 3rd time in 2009 that I have witnessed the band perform on a single-digit evening with only their most dedicated fans out to support them and their electro-rock oeuvre.

Playing at the Empty Bottle on the December 10th with Flights, Alpha Centauri, and Color Radio, Loyal Divide headlined an evening of synthesizers, epic keys, and raised voices. The size of the crowd hardly fitting the budding bands’ large sounds.

’09 has been a big year for Loyal Divide. Beyond making the rounds of Chicago’s garage band venues, they opened for Chromeo at The Congress Theatre, filmed a music video, began recording their first full-length album. and booked SXSW 2010. Their continued development is no surprise as there is no lack of ingenuity amongst their ranks. The Empty Bottle found them testing new material on their audience with tunes like, "Ancestor," "Originoto," and "Baladron" that venture out of the band’s typically brooding sound and into slightly sunnier territory. One cannot help but give Loyal Divide kudos for continuing to push themselves to evolve past work weighed down by outside influence.

However, despite their deserved success, on Thursday night, Loyal Divide was missing a sharpness characteristic of earlier performances. The new songs played sounded fresh, but tried and true work from their 2008 EP, Labrador, skimped on the intensity that has drawn listeners in the past. The screams in "Vision Vision" weren’t as painful, and the roiling beats of "Labrador" weren’t as dance inspiring as one has come to expect.

Thursday’s set could have stood for more of co-frontman Chris Sadek’s falsetto vocals and quirky fervor, leaving cohort Adam Johnson to fiddle with the gadgets he attended to and perhaps work on smoothing transitions between songs. Where the flow of the concert was interrupted with incongruous and goofy samples of valley girls, Loyal Divide would have been better served with work on gracefully fusing one song to the next, keeping the audience in the world of their music.

But if experimenting with new material was the bent of this performance at the Empty Bottle, Loyal Divide picked the right night. Supported by a mostly familiar crowd who appreciated their work, it was the appropriate moment to test new elements of the act. Though one expects a little more than from a group with such talent, this show was no deterrent.

Check out Loyal Divide at The Felix Culpa album release party at The Metro on January 23rd at 6:30pm. – Erin Keane


Anni Rossi Christmas EP

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Well if the Moneypenny mixtape did not get you in the holiday spirit maybe the gift of a free Christmas ep from Anni Rossi (4AD) will do the trick. All you have to do is go to her website and sign up for her fan club and she will send you her Christmas song ep. Anni had an incredible, and as a thank you to everyone who has supported her this year, including big tours with Camera Obscura, Noah and the Whale, Mason Jennings, and more, she wants to offer everyone a nice little early holiday gift. Here is a sample of what you will find, "Silver Bells" (mp3). Go check it out, and have yourself a merry little Christmas.


Cardboard Sangria @ Schubas

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The Schubas residency is a high honor and this month that honor goes to the local label Cardboard Sangria. Formed nine years ago, Cardboard Sangria has been dedicated to producing and promoting for nine years now. With local bands like Darling, The Singleman Affair, The Part V, and The Tiger Trio the label has built a reputation for supporting the local band, and sticking by them. The label is slowly growing and currently only releasing a few titles a year, but they clearly have figured out a formula that will take them much father in the years to come. If you need a taste of the label check out their free 2009 mixtape.

The remaining residency dates at Schubas are December 14th (TONIGHT!) with Darling and The Nothingheads, Dec. 21st with The Singleman Affair and Jeff Harms, and Dec. 28th with Rock Falls and Roommate. Stop by Schubas and support some great bands and a growing local label.