Soft Tags, Bodhi, We Miss the Earth Set Phasers to Stun at Doug Fir Tomorrow!


This all-Portland revue of talented rock bands is sure to please, especially for those looking to find some enjoyable lo-fi pop, shoegaze tones or garage-rock college tunes. Check out these bit-sized features and then check out their tunes.

Soft Tags: Their songwriting is like standing aboard a ship sailing its steady course while cutting through white noise and distortion. It takes no detours until it finds its proper resting point after an enjoyable five-minute tour (sometimes longer). With the recent release of their double LP Mathematical Monsters, Soft Tags are on the rise as they promote their new work.

Bodhi: Quality pop rock. Good leading melodic lines. A breath of ’80s spill out the vocal chords, often with tones of Bowie. Songs can vary from a heavy influence of Joy Division to a rock-a-billy groove. All tastefully done, of course.

We Miss the Earth: Smooth reverb guitar effects and delay-soaked synth slide through their chord changes. The songwriting is solid. These guys have a darker side that is at times mixed with more cheerful melodies one might find on a My Bloody Valentine song.

Soft Tags, Bodhi, and We Miss the Earth will be performing at the excellent Doug Fir, for the small cost of $6.

Joel Sommer