Author: Jason LeePhoto by Heaton JohnsonScroll past the jump for an in-depth interview with Orange Peel Mystic Across multiple cosmologies and cultural belief systems, oranges are widely believed […]
Avant-Indie / Noise Rock / NYC / Punk
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Pop Music Fever Dream: new single plus tell-all interview
The name of this band is Pop Music Fever Dream: Their new single plus an exclusive tell-all interview
Avant-Indie / Electronic / NYC / Psych Rock
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The Down & Outs Take An Experimental Leap on new single “Cntrl Group”
“A control group [is] a comparison group in a study whose members receive either no intervention at all or some established intervention. The responses of those in the control group are compared with the responses of participants in one or more experimental groups that are given the new treatment being evaluated.” — APA Dictionary of Psychology