The tandem of Katy Otto & Diane Foglizzo fuse as Trophy Wife. Performing this evening at Wolf Cycles, the duo develops a textured sound even though fully capable of kicking down the door at any moment with brute force. As their latest album All the Sides (SRA Records) clearly demonstrates, there is well-formed thoughtfulness behind the message issued via their lyrics and the music that helps deliver it. This combination of pensive melody with tightly woven guitar and percussion creates songs that seem ideal for taking a walk in the open with a slight chill in the air. There is that persistent grunge sound, pace-setting space, clearing percussion and smooth preparatory guitar licks that build anticipation. However, once the moment arrives, Trophy Wife tears through with calculated explosions, blasting your ears with gritty precision. Tonight’s bill also includes the pop-punk of local trio Blowdryer and heavy grunge-oriented tunes of Baltimore’s Big Mouth. Wolf Cycles, (Please contact one of the acts or venue for more info.), 7:30pm, $5, All Ages – Michael Colavita