One of the most interesting developments of recording technology has been the creative use of samples, something hip hop anticipated with scratching and vinyls featuring music loops of sample drumbeats – here’s the most popular one of all. Brooklyn producer, songwriter and emcee Kirk Knight exhibits impressive skills in the sampling department on his 2013 release “Dust,” an unrelease collection of songs that was released earlier this year after Kirk soared in popularity thanks to his 2015’s LP ‘Late Knight Special.’ That he will also perform as New York’s lone home-grown representative at this year’s Village Voice 4Knots Fest is something of a coup as well. A total of ten under two minute tracks on “Dust” exhibit a mastery of the Ableton production software, allowing the artist to weave in bits of his own voice samples. The approach delivers a series of dream-like tracks that include electronic, cut up Motown with an easy, breezy, trip-hop-jazz feel to it all. Featured track “The Right Thing” incorporate sampled elements that breakout acts like Charli XCX explored on a number of her debut album tracks like “So Far Away.” Charting single "I Know" (also streaming) features a more aggressive attitude and production. It will be interesting to see how Mr. Knight presents this sound to a live audience at 4Knots. That festival takes place Saturday July 9, returning to its original South Street Seaport location. Other acts performing are Guided By Voices, Strumbellas, Car Seat Headrest and many others. See the full listing here. – Dave Cromwell