I described Boot’s self-titled EP from last year as an effort that focused predominantly on indoor drama — both the cozy and the stiflingly uncomfortable — so it’s fitting their new single would drop in the middle of an extended period spent inside. Predominantly acoustic (with some nice slide guitar accents noodling among the instrumentation), new track “Bomb Song” deals with a comfortable day at home upended by the news of an incoming missile, though its characters seem to take the news in stride, opting to cuddle, watch movies, and go to bed ahead of their immediate incineration. Such interactions seem par for the course for songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Benjamin Carbone; much in the same way the various premises of the tracks on 2019’s Boot are overshadowed by a focus on human behaviors, “Bomb Song” is able to set aside news of a forthcoming apocalypse and emphasize the much greater importance the people in our lives have in comparison. It’s a quiet soundtrack for human companionship, the type of sensitive songwriting that’s necessary during our very strange times — stream it below. —Connor Beckett McInerney