Blood Sound transports me back to the 80s, and I’m a character in a John Hughes teen, coming-of-age movie – a little shy, a little awkward but definitely with my heart in the right place. Unfortunately, things don’t always seem to work out for me, and the only one who seems to understand is the person on my stereo singing my favorite song at the time. Let’s be honest. That was what most of us did at one time or another and probably more often than we care for people to know. It’s that rare connection that made Blood Sound’s debut LP Nightclub our March Record of the Month. You can capture those feelings once again this evening when they open for Captured Tracks’ The Soft Moon and Brooklyn/Austin-based Noveller at Boot & Saddle. Boot & Saddle, 1131 S. Broad St., 8pm, $12, 21+ (Photo by Jon Stars) – Q.D. Tran