Young Magic announces “Breathing Statues” LP + plays SXSW

Indonesian born Melati Malay and Australian national Isaac Emmanuel have traveled the globe in search of musical inspiration, ending up in New York City as their home base. The sound they make together as Young Magic features ornate percussion and ethereal atmospheres. Their debut album “Melt” (featured in Deli Issue #32) incorporated gentle interlocking guitars, celestial vocals, jingling percussion and drone elements. They now return with their sophomore release “Breathing Statues,” scheduled for release May 6th on Carpark Records. Debut single “Fall In” – streaming below – builds around an angular repeating bass pattern, Melati’s angelic vocals float over Issac’s loose, shuffling percussion. Spacious synth textures and other mysterious studio effects contribute to a dreamlike sense of timelessness. Occasional words can be made out, but similar to genre pioneers The Cocteau Twins, the mood and feeling conveyed takes precedence over literal storytelling. The band will play Festival NRMAL this March in Monterrey, Mexico, as well as select showcases at Austin’s SXSW between March 11th and 16th. – Dave Cromwell

We added this song to The Deli’s playlist of Best Psych songs by emerging NYC artists – check it out!