The Wild Jays offer up some “Murmurations” of greatness

Vibrancy is the central force that carries Murmurations, the mighty-promising debut from The Wild Jays. From its cover art that looks like a Rorschach test by way of a pomegranate to the last seconds of the last track, even the slow moments are miles-deep caverns of sunny reverberations. Produced to a delightfully soupy, swirly consistency, the range of influences is similarly mixed. Perhaps appropriately, there’s a heavy vibe of 60’s folk and psych (what’s a "Wild Jay" if not a Byrd anyhow?), but it’s mingled in with post-punk, new wave, a touch of Sergio Leone, and even some Deer Hunter-esque unease in places. This is one that benefits from a cover-to-cover listen, so get to clicking that play button below. –Austin Phy