Weekly Feature: Late Cambrian plays The Deli’s B.E.A.F./Northside “Everything Stage” on 06.15.

To all who are feeling down right now, get that frown off your face: It’s time to get happy, Late Cambrian is here! John N. Wlaysewski (guitars, vocals), O (keyboards, vocals) and Nunzio Moudatsos (bass, vocals) are a band that needs no convincing of how great things are. From the crashing rock theatrics of ‘Ryan Gosling,’ to the dance-ready ‘The Year I Cut The Cable’ on their latest record “Peach,” the good times are here right now… and dammit… they’re here to stay. Think of a much more optimistic Strokes, or a less French Phoenix, and you’re close to the sound of this excitable trio. After winning our Best of 2013 Readers’ Poll they’ll be playing our B.E.A.F./Northside ‘Everything Stage’ at The Silent Barn on Sunday June 15.

Links: Read Mike Levine’s Interview with Late Cambrian