Two NYC “Mother”s – the electro one unveils a video, the electric one releases an EP.

The guys at The Deli’s headquarters have been waiting for this moment their entire life: a gorgeous young lady is standing in front of them unafraid to make eye contact… with all of them at once! (But they don’t know that). She spent the last five minute being seriously flirty with them, there are no doubts, she’s into them. It appears that finally the sacrifices of choosing a career in the hip but financially unrewarding music journalism field are paying off! What’s next, girl?

On a separate note, we need to issue a ORANGE LAW SUIT ALERT!!! There appear to be two bands named "Mother," both based out of NYC, and they both seem at a point in their career where they need a unique name. (By the way, it’s our opinion that one word band names should be banned or have a 3 digit code at the end of them to avoid confusion). The video below is by the rather new and mysterious electro-pop project Mother, that’s been getting a lot of attention with two singles released in the past 3 months, while the other NYC Mother plays a rather aggressive brand of Alt Rock and just released a new EP entitled "A New Life." Since "electro Mother" is playing the familiar "I don’t-want-you-to-see-me" game (they have no press pictures), "electric Mother" gets this post’s photo!