Equal measures of industrial rock, seductive vocals and fashion glamour are woven together in the music of Turbo Goth. As popularity continues to grow in both their native Philippines and adopted home of NYC, the duo of Paolo Peralta and Sarah Gaugler now sets their sights on an official SXSW showcase. A new album titled “Master Force” is in the works, with first video single “Love Will Be All there Is” (streaming below) giving us a taste of what’s coming, with its close-up focusing on guitar strokes that sound like synth bursts in between Sarah’s sensual vocals lines. Its forward stomping progression, bass-buzzing crunch and Paolo’s slo-mo hair-flying movements are tempered by Sarah’s flirtatious come-hither vocals and graceful tattooed body. Picture a less-pop (and much cooler) Ariana Grande fronting a band like Ministry for what this band has to offer. They play an official SXSW showcase on 3/11 at Valhalla. – Dave Cromwell