The Best of NYC 2009 Readers’ Poll has begun!

Democracy loving peoples,

The last phase of our exhausting Year End Best of NYC vote has begun – each one of you can now let us know what their favorite emerging NYC band of 2009 is. Don’t miss this opportunity to change the world! – Hey, maybe this year for the first time an African American artist will win our contest???

***Poll closes on January 15***

As you should all know by now, the winner of the Composite Chart (the one including votes from Jury, Deli Writers and Deli Readers) will get the cover of The Deli’s Spring issue + prizes from our sponsors including free studio and mastering time, audio plug ins, music store vouchers, musical instrument insurance etc.

The 2nd and 3rd artists will also be rewarded with a smaller picture on that issue’s cover + some prizes from our sponsors. All bands in the list on the right will get a writeup in that issue as well.

But what about the Readers’ Polls winners? There you go:


1. 12 hours of free recording studio
2. 6 free mastered songs
3. 4 Audio Plug Ins
4. $150 in vouchers for local Guitar Store
5. Full print feature on The Deli (winner only)
6. Artist of the Month Banner on The Deli’s website for 2 weeks (winner only)

Have fun!

The Deli’s Staff