Spazz Presents’ Jeff Blinder Birthday Show at PhilaMOCA June 8

Spazz Presents‘ Jeff Blinder will be hosting his birthday bash this evening at Philamoca. Blinder states, "I’m at my happiest when running a fun event for awesome traveling musicians so that’s my gift to myself. Your gift to me would be coming out and being part of this night!" The festivities will kickoff with local folk rock trio turned quintet, Roof Deck, who has crafted a darker edge to its sound with the addition of synths and cello. Headlining the night is the brooding, intensely hypnotic sounds of Sarasota, FL/Sparta, NJ’s Teach Me Equals. Also helping Blinder celebrate his special day will be Atlanta noise-pop sextet Spirits and the Melchizedek Children & Baltimore experimental electroacoustic singer-songwriter, Jonathan Badger. PhilaMOCA, 531 N. 12th St., 8pm, $6, All Ages – H.M. Kauffman