Soul poppers Wet Leather release EP “Past Lives” on 12.06 at Rockwood

NYC’s Wet Leather plays pop the way we like it: super catchy, but tense and edgy at once. The vague Prince influences we detected in "Astral Projection" – opening track of their soon to be released EP "Past Lives" – become more than vague in following track "Stop Me if I’m Doing it Wrong," but hey, every band has its own references and hardly anybody is channeling "His Royal Badness" these days. Also, not many songwriters can come up with timeless melodies like the one propelling the chorus of "Astral Projection" (streaming). The sophisticated but gritty production enhances the dark side of this pop-soul gem through subtle dissonances and suspencefull staccatos – we dig. Check out Wet Leather at Rockwood’s Stage 2 when they celebrate the release of their sophomore EP.