The Shivas Release ‘You Know What To Do’

Portland’s beloved surf/psych twangsters, The Shivas, are back at it with the release of their fourth LP, You Know What To Do. The Album is already available digitally through their bandcamp page, with physical copies to be released through K Records on CD and Vinyl and Burger Records on Cassette. You Know What To Do is a lenthy 13 tracks, chaulk-full of their steadfast and throwback vocal harmonies, staccato guitar, hand claps, and reverb.

Album opener and title track "You Know What To Do" teases the listener with a brief fourty five seconds of a slowed down surf-meets-the-wild-west intro before paddling full bore into a wave-thrashing speed ball with hints of Thee Oh Sees influence. Appropriately titled tracks "Beach Heads" and "Stroking Off" eminate their obvious influential references of Beach Boys and The Strokes, respectively. A personal favorite on the LP, "Used To Be Cool," boasts one of the coolest surf guitar licks I’ve ever heard throughout the song’s intro, verses and outro. Catch The Shivas official release show for You Know What To Do this Friday night, November 8th, at Bunk Bar along with Jollapin Jasper and Moon By You.

Travis Leipzig