Sad Accordions Tell it Like it Is (assist by Thurston Moore)


The Sad Accordions have bravely taken on the latest iteration of The Deli’s Five Questions, results are below…the Accordions play Emo’s Wednesday night the 11th in the company of Lake. Maybe you’ll hear "In My Tree"…

The Back to the Future/Butterfly Effect Question: You can travel back to 1955 and teach a local band one song: what do you teach them?
Our drummer Nathaniel has finally seen the light, and that light is called Pearl Jam! He’s all about spreading the gospel according to vedder to any time period, so he’d be teaching the kids "In My Tree" from Pearl Jam’s best record, No Code. Ben wanted to push the envelope a little further by playing "Teenage Riot" by Sonic Youth for them… "Thurston! This is your cousin… Marvin… Marvin Moore! You gotta hear this man…"
Best compliment you’ve ever gotten, on your music or otherwise?
 There’s this guy who will often drive up from San Antonio to see us play, on a fairly regular basis. We think that’s pretty weird, but it’s a huge compliment. Thanks Cullen!
Also, our moms all think we’re very handsome.

If you could get one local guest star on your next album, who would you pick?
 Monahans! The whole lot of em! (Rocky Erickson would be pretty cool though…)
Best breakfast in Austin?
Tamale House, without a doubt.
This set of questions made me ________.
a hungry slacker.