Ray & Remora releases debut full-length on 9/16

Ray & Remora were born two decades apart. As any Gen X born, or millenial who feels two old to identify with the term (raises hand!), can attest, Dan Crane (Ray) sees the early nineties as an essential part of his musical upbringing. Amanda Walker (Remora), on the other hand, is a good two decades younger than him. Nevertheless, they both brought their minds together to write a full album featuring a who’s who of nineties indie rock royalty. 

After accomplishing this with very good success, the duo are now close to releasing their first full-length of recorded material, Startle It Up. And yes, those nineties influences do carry into their originals as well. One of their most recent singles, "The Happening", is a more gleaming fuzz rocker that offsets their more melodic inclinations with a sleeker pop accesibility.

Ray & Remora is releasing Startle It Up on September16. – Juan Rodríguez