The Planes celebrate release of “Catch You/Milk Maid” single tomorrow (11/21) at Cake Shop

In the genre box of their Facebook profile Brooklyn garage rockers The Planes describe themselves as "anti-commercial, indie, DIY" – we should totally add "anti-commercial" to our list of genres here! However, it’s a tough call to be anti-commercial guys, because a small amount of anti-establishment acts who hated the idea of being commercial ended up selling quite a lot of records and touring a lot, and both things belong squarely to the field of… commerce! So, the only way to stay true to that statement would be for The Planes to not charge for records and only play free shows, two things they are actually scheduled to do as soon as tomorrow, when they will be releasing their new EP "Catch You/Milk Maid" at Cake Shop (cover $7). But anyway, this stuff doesn’t matter, what matter is the music, and The Planes have some cool songs that resonate with the slacker hiding in each one of us. We should have a song from the new record for streaming tomorrow, for now you can enjoy this track from last year’s debut album "Echo Forever/Forever Echo."