Parrot Dream and Beach Moon, Peach Moon play the Silent Barn on 8.03

Some artists are able to create music that provides the perfect accompaniment to life as we imagine it in our most hopeful moments – which in turns actually helps us live a better existence. NYC bands Beach Moon, Peach Moon and Parrot Dream (pictured) play elegant dream pop that’s just as good of a companion on the commute to work as it is during a night spent alone with our thoughts. Beach Moon, Peach Moon’s lo-fi shoegaze is filled with warm, melancholic guitars and softly lush, self-reflective vocals, and often juxtaposes melancholic instrumentation to optimistic lyrics, like in opening track ‘Philosophy at 23/at 24′ (streaming). Slightly more upbeat, the dream pop of Parrot Dream is centered around Christina Appel’s vocals and her lyrics, which heavily rely on metaphors to construct poignant and distinct imagery. Both bands will be playing at the Silent Barn on August 3rd. – John Honan