Oddysseys debut year-end dreampop dual singles, play Lilypad Inman 12.28

Boston’s Oddysseys are delighting this December with a dual single release sure to catch your attention. “Testimony” and “Goon” complement one another with their lo-fi edge and dreampop sheen displayed at different tempos—both equally satisfying. The speedy pace of the drums in “Testimony” create along with sparkling-lingering guitar chords, a retro soundscape that brings out the brightest colors of ‘80s dreampop while finishing with light strokes of modern indie rock. “Goon” is far more atmospheric a track, yet its fat groove is undeniable as a voluptuous bassline drives the song into the euphoric breakdowns that characterize Oddysseys. The vocal delivery on both tracks should also be noted: “Goon” displays a softer and more sensitive tone while “Testimony” a confident baritone. Both singles stand on their own just fine, but together they are part of a greater work that demands it be appreciated as a whole. The band is set to perform at Lilypad Inman in Cambridge, MA, on December 28th. Stream the singles below for a ticket to a dreamworld rich in character. – Rene Cobar