NYC Songwriter Raye Zaragoza releases debut EP

New York singer/songwriter Raye Zaragoza offers a set of shimmering folk with her debut EP Heroine (released last week). Throughout the four-track release, the young musician shows deeply intimate scenes of romance-searching (as in “Sleeplovers”) and innocent love (as in “Crazy Eyes”), continuing a tradition of plaintive guitar-based ballads while distinguishing herself with her voice. Comparisons to Norah Jones are almost inevitable but Zaragoza’s vocals are warmer, finding an intriguing spot between toddler-like dependence and the experience of an adult. While initially recognizable, Raye’s voice—and music, at large—has a unique elusiveness. Raye Zaragoza celebrated the release of her debut EP last Wednesday at Rockwood Music Hall with The Natalie York Band. – Zach Weg