Nude Beach celebrates release of “LP77” at Mercury tomorrow (11.05)

Long Island bad boys Nude Beach don’t care (among many other things) that the clock has ticked about a gazillion times since 1977, and obstinately keep putting out records inspired by the music of those golden years, although bypassing entirely what was happening in NYC at the time – not sure whether to call that refreshing or outrageous! You won’t hear Television, Lou Reed, Blondie or The Talking Heads in their songs, but you will find at once The Clash, Buzzcocks, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty and even Elvis Costello. From the two singles available for streaming, the band seems to have matured musically – athough we are pretty sure they’ll deny that: "mature" is a dirty word in punk/DIY circles they dwell in. Maybe that’s why they asked kids to help them create this video for single "For You." See them live tomorrow (11/05) at Mercury for the release party of their third album entitled "LP 77."