The Deli is proud to premier last week’s NYC Artists of the Month Nico Blues‘ "Folk Song Number Two" video, the band’s second one after "Living Proof" made its way through the blogosphere and onto MTV. Just wait to see it, the artsy Williamsburg kids won’t be able to wrap their minds around this groundbreaking film trick: "Check it out, man, the guitar’s a camera!" Take it anywhere, put it in the drum set, put it on your lap in the car, show it down the frozen food aisle, all the places your electric guitar typically wouldn’t go. "Get the guitar out of my face, I’m checking e-mails, dude!" Wait, wait, wait, guys, wait… the guitar… it’s a camera! – Don’t miss Nico Blues opening for Blind Melon at Hiro Ballroom on July 1st. – Caitlin Clive