New Moss Records Celebrates “Hits Vol 1” with Three Release Parties

Portland’s infamous New Moss Records are rolling out a new compilation cassette series titled "HITS." Featuring songs the label’s favorite bands from Portland and beyond, the first installment of the series, "HITS Volume 1," features thirteen tracks including six unreleased tracks by Grandparents, Wimps, Old Light, Spookies, Summer Cannibals and Natural Blonde. Also featured on the compilation are tracks by Charts, The We Shared Milk, XDS, Wooden Indian Burial Ground, Still Caves, And And And, and Sad Horse. The cassettes are priced at $6, but only 300 copies will be made so don’t be a slow-poke in picking one up. You can pre-order HITS Vol. 1 here, or, if you’re the smart type you can go to one, two or all three of New Moss Records’ masterfully curated compilation release parties this weekend to pick up a cassette in person. 

Release Parties:

Friday, May 9th at the Firkin Tavern (no cover): Summer Canniblas, Sad Horse, Charts

Saturday, May 10th at the Know ($5 cover): And And And, Old Light, XDS

Sunday, May 11th at Rontoms (no cover): Grandparents, Spookies

Official Todd Walberg photos from the release parties to come! 

Travis Leipzig