A Message from the Good Folks at R5 & Mariposa Food Co-op!

Please take the time to read the message below from the good folks at R5 and donate to Mariposa Food Co-op! Thanks in advance! – The Deli Staff
Bull Gervasi, who really inspired us to start R5 and who is pretty much the reason we have shows at The First Unitarian Church (he was one of the founders of "The Cabbage Collective" – the first group of kids to use the church as a show space), has been helping to run Mariposa Food Co-op in West Philly for years. Now he and all the members there are trying to renovate an old bank building on Baltimore Ave to make the store five times bigger and have a ton of space for more food, community events, roof garden, etc. Turning it into a space/store that would be for us as a community. 
It’s really awesome and this is just the sort of independent community effort we need more of in Philly, with younger people running the show.
But Bull and Mariposa need to raise a bunch more money before May 31st to open on schedule. Can you throw in a few bucks to help? We decided over this weekend that R5 will match the next $5,000 that gets donated….so whatever you give in the next few days gets doubled. Click here to watch their video and help out:

What Bull and the others are doing over at Mariposa Food Co-op doesn’t happen enough in Philly : Young people start something, it really takes off, and just gets bigger and bigger. They’re going out on a limb with this big new building, and we’ve got to make sure they succeed so more people will take more risks and build great stuff for everyone to enjoy.

We’re putting our money where our mouth is. Really hope you can join us! Don’t forget – every $1 you donate counts for $2 with the matching donation from R5.

Make a donation right now, right here:

We hope you see why projects like this are important and hope that this is just the start for a lot of punk / youth related businesses to come up in Philly! If you ever enjoyed a show at the church please consider donating!