Love Jerks do it their way on debut album ‘Million Movies’

If the debut album Million Movies by San Francisco’s husband and wife duo Love Jerks had come out about 40 years ago, it’s likely that they would’ve been tapped for the Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack. The album is unlike anything else, combining over-the-top emotion with corn-syrup-sweetened lyrics and a delivery so ironic that it becomes serious. Teeny-boppers face doomsday on the high-speed track "Apocalyptic Make-Out," featuring the tongue-in-cheek chorus of "Oh owww. Squeezing these. Kissing that." Love-birds spin "round & round" on "Gold Sparkle," the perfect prom song for the hopelessly and embarassingly smitten. The self-titled track begins with Bryan declaring "You’ve got some fangs, but it don’t get me upset / I’ll bring the blood, if you bring the turtleneck." On this album, love is weird. It’s fanatic, fleeting, fabulous. And, most of all, it’s grand. Because what could be better than two love jerks finding each other and forgetting the rest? Get a little closer to synth-pop heaven and stream Million Movies below and keep an eye out for the Love Jerks’ next live show. – Lilly Milman