Local Music Is Sexy: Live Review

Local Music IS Sexy.  I can emphatically confirm this statement.  Friday’s local music night at the Mohawk was insanely entertaining.  I love all things Austin, but what was special about the night was the crowd.  Young hipsters, band geeks, and all those in between – like myself – all set the tone for a fun evening.
Going in, not knowing too much about the artists performing, I was pleasantly surprised with the caliber of the lineup.  Starting with the Minor Mishap Marching Band (above) and their grand entrance down the stairs and onto the stage like a funeral procession in New Orleans, I knew I was in for a treat.  Their melange of a marching band was like a French Bat Mitzvah, a Gypsy festival, a Cirque Du Soleil performance and they left me smiling and satisfied.  My cohort commented, "Have I seen them on Sesame Street?  I mean that in the BEST way!"
I haven’t listened to PIL in a long time, but when manikin hit the stage, they brought the angst and pissed off charm of a Jon Lydon that I loved.  Vocals were limited, like a Devo, but there was lots of reverb and LOUD bass that blasted the Mohawk when they hit the stage.  With a one man horn section, a sexy and talented woman drummer, lots of in your face rock and roll, manikin is a show not to missed. 
I made my way inside to catch Silent Land Time Machine.  A recent graduate of UT who has captured the young club scene.  Spinning decks relentlessly all the while playing over with his electric violin.  A unique blend of dance and experimental beats…
On to International Waters.  Buddy Holly vs. Weezer.  Ocean Blue vs. The Lightning Seeds.  Their sensibilities are similar and that’s a positive thing.  Lots of "anthemy" songs, but I would have liked a real break out tune.
TV Torso!  I am in love!  The best musicians I have seen always make their work look easy.  These guys are so tight, but relaxed and look like they are truly enjoying themselves.  A three piece band that…wait for it….sound to me like a modern version of the Everly Brothers with harmonies to die for and songs so catchy you find yourself dancing and humming along.  These guys could be playing for 10 or 10,000, it wouldn’t matter, their heart and souls were evident in every beat.  Definitely my favorite of the night!
I found at the end of the night that not only is Local Music Sexy, it’s really freaking good, too.  The lineup was stellar.  I was so impressed, I got online to look up bio information. I had to quench my music crushes.  The Mohawk was a great host, too.  The weather, the lights, the smell of cloves for God’s sake, made the night unique and special, but the fantastic music – that’s what I’ll remember. 

–Ellen Green