Happy New Year! We’re still slowly getting back into the swing of things after a much-needed break. Well, we noticed some strange happenings at Kung Fu Necktie over the holidays, which started with a tweet last Wednesday (“just a heads-up: we are CLOSED tonight due to some unforeseen issues. sorry dudes!), followed by a moving of events to the RUBA Club, and their NYE show being made B.Y.O.B. (obviously a red flag since KFN is a bar). We also heard through the grapevine on NYE that the beloved music venue had failed to renew their liquor license so we asked KFN booker Jeff Meyers about the rumor and the future of shows being held there. He responded, “Seems to be more to the story, and [I] don’t know when the issues will be resolved.” However, he does plan to keep as many of the shows as he can at the venue, but they will be either ALL AGES w/no alcohol or 21+ w/B.Y.O.B. “Only time will tell how this all works…I wish I knew more, but I’m at limbo until I know more info.” In case you were wondering, that’s the news that we have for you so far. We hope that the good folks at KFN will be able to get things sorted out, and we’ll keep you posted if we hear anything more. Sorry about the bad news to start off the New Year.