From Open Blog: Zlam Dunk Brings You Teen Wolf

Did you ever watch Teen Wolf? You did? Remember that part when no one liked Scott, and then he turned into a wolf, and he was the bomb all of a sudden? And then he rode on top of that truck? Yeah, that was awesome. We’re like that in some ways. We like the 80’s, boogie boards, having a good times, smooth synth jams, and crowd surfing. We put out an EP last year, and we’re recording new stuff in February. We’ll be at SXSW and we play around Texas, although we just did our first east coast tour in January. If you ever get the itch to watch Teen Wolf 2, don’t, and come see us play instead. We’ll do our best to make sure you’re having a good time. And maybe afterwards we can go watch Teen Wolf.

(this post taken from Zlam Dunk’s post on our DIY Open Blog, check out other Open Blog posts in the Deli Kitchen)