From the Digital Submissions: Like Herding Cats

Producer/songwriter Dom P releases alternative electronic music under the amusingly clever name Like Herding Cats. Their self-titled debut EP was released at the end of last year, presenting a uniquely creative sequence of tracks. “Lift” moves at an easy breezy pace, dropping in the kind of minor chord changes made popular by bands like The Cure. While the percussion points towards early New Wave era drum-machine simplicity, the overall spaciousness of the tracks has a more modern feel. Vocals are presented in a deep baritone, evoking Peter Murphy’s work with both Bauhaus and his subsequent solo work. “Touch” pairs warm synth patterns with mechanical cymbals and tinkling descending keyboard lines. The mood is gentle and dreamy, like early Depeche Mode, or The Magnetic Fields’ Stephin Merritt, with whom the band shares a pensive lightheartedness. “Rich Girls” (streaming) builds around a calypso rhythm, shifting the emphasis on guitar and the bright percussive fills associated with that genre. Though a specific date has not been revealed yet, the band states that a live showcase is coming soon here in NYC, and to stay tuned for details. –Dave Cromwell

This band submitted their music for coverage here.