From The Deli NYC’s submissions: The Karma Exchange plays Rockwood on 03.11

The Karma Exchange have a unique way of discussing things most of us are familiar with. For lead singer Randy Runyon, America is ‘mellow yellow’ (in ‘Lucky Ricochet’) and girlfriends are in love with anyone sharing your name (in opener ‘Speaking in Tongues’).

In the band’s latest full-length ‘Neon Translation,’ the group offers a lot of challenges to life’s usual comforts. And how else to do that… but with the guitars loud, and the drums out for the kill. ‘Neon Translation’ is the group’s most ambitious set of rockers yet. From a Brooklyn-based quartet that’s a little bit pop heaven, a little bit brawling rock n’ roll, it’s good to know our borough still hosts a band that knows how to crank up the dial when it needs to. Listen to single ‘Lucky Ricochet’ below, and see them at Rockwood’s stage 2 on March 11. Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)