Fear Tinnitus w/Heavy Medical, Xanax & Drums Like Machine Guns at KFN March 6

Sludge purveyors Heavy Medical are planning another ambush with their battalion of all things noise and mayhem. Ready for the promised destruction that could only be brought on by a bass guitar swallowing two drum kits? Yeah, most people aren’t. Along with them will be my new favorites, the ever so explosive Xanax. This project boasts a lineup featuring members of +HIRS+, Saetia, Des Ark, and Amateur Party, but despite the orgy of sound suggested through previous text, this band wants one thing: to burn down the building with its chunky, punching bass, violent guitars, and piercing howls. Also in tandem will be the brothers of noise Drums Like Machine Guns. Check out this blast beat brigade upstairs at Kung Fu Necktie tonight. Please, don’t forget your earplugs. Kung Fu Necktie, 1250 N. Front St., 9pm, $3, 21+ – Ed Newton